An overlooking view


Experiment 34, he who sees the future.


A town forgotten...and forsaken.


Anshan is considered a demi-human. Demi-Human (亜人, Ajin?) is the general term used for the likes of fairies, dwarves, and giants. He is an artificially made Lamyros.


An artificial being created by a cult, helped by a Japanese magus. A Lamyros to be specific.
After being raised by an executor, he was allowed to join The Burial Agency (埋葬機関, Maisō Kikan?), a group of special Inquisitors gathered by the Church. The original Michael Roa Valdamjong, then a priest of the Church, created a burial doctrine, the base of the Burial Agency, back in the twelfth century. He created it along with the original Narbareck, the first technical leader of the Agency, called the Burial Classroom at the time. Members of the BA are known as the most professional Inquisitors, but they are not actually responsible for stamping out heresy, leading them to be called Executors or killers.

Anshan is a very curious individual, even if he doesn't show any particular enthusiasm, as he often prefers to respond to a question with sarcasm depending on the contextーexpressing disdain and circuitous insults to those he considers cruel, foolish, etc. He finds daily life boring and would rather travel the world to learn new concepts and people's way of life. He has no particular distaste toward DAs but would still slay them as it is a part of his job description. He does what seems to be a good idea and he doesn't feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. To strangers, most of the time, he can appear apathetic, cynical, and threatening. Yet despite his outwardly sarcastic nature, it should be noted that behind his exterior hides a fiercely loyal friend, and a man of good humour and someone not indifferent to suffering.

A tale untold

He had gone through enough research for a lifetime. His answers felt close and yet far. This was the last sparkle of hope. To save his daughter, he must continue this path. Everything pointed to a small village, situated at the foot of a small mountain in Italy. It was a quiet village, the villagers receptive to the outsiders. His daughter, Miyo, was ill. Has been as far as she remembered and her father had been trying to cure her for years. She could notice the hope in his eyes, when the villagers welcomed them warmly, offered them hospitality. They lived there for months, closing on an year. Miyo had found herself plenty of friends. Most days, she could be out and about as her father met up with various people, some more important than others. Playing with the local kids. One of them would be become her best friend, a boy. Even on the days, she was bedridden, he'd visit her to play indoors. Her father meanwhile became busier and busier, and would meet up with someone who seemed like a leader of an organization. She heard her caretaker call him the leader of a cult. Days of blissful ignorance would begin to dwindle away, she would be restricted from going outside and her father would often talk with the outsider than her and would leave for hours on end. He'd come home with a smile every morning and say, 'Miyo, we are getting closer to your cure.' But the reason for her happiness would continue to be that boy and the kids she watched play from the window.She did not know what had happened. The villagers that always seemed so happy had become distraught. The kids she'd observed everyday lessened in numbers, until the playground was barren. Even so, that boy would come and play. She heard from him that the kids were going missing and the ones that didn't were told to stay home. She'd smile, her father wanted the best for her. More days would go by, and one day even he would stop showing up to her window.She heard whispers among her caretakers, that he too was taken for experiments by a cult. She did not know what they mean but she waited his return.I have to live. Live, live, live, live, live. His mind was numb but it clung to a shred of hope. He was the magus' last hope. His last attempt at succeeding. Victim to the cult that had been convinced to experiment on kids. To revive their Deity that bore stark resemblance to the Lamyros. He was the only child who had responded positively to his experiments. The only child who was alive.“I just have to wait for my daughter to be his age then I can prolong her life. My bloodline is secure.” He claimed with joy, the little boy blankly staring at him.

It was a quiet night. The experiments had stopped for now... He carried himself off the stretcher.Blood...The smell was intoxicating. So many humans, he thought. Humans...? Aren't I one? He thought. He hadn't felt this much strength in his legs in forever. He was hungry, thirsty but not for food. He wanted to eat them.“Get to bed,” a stern voice ordered him. “Don't wan—” and it was quiet. Ah, I like the quiet. He wasn't thirsty anymore.The very morning the magus and his daughter was nowhere to be found, the cult had been mysteriously killed, their bodies left pale. Rumors of a vampire spread fire and wide, the already anxious villagers even more on the edge. What was to become of them?

The Church organization learned where the next appearance of Night of ——— would take place. It petitioned Atlas for help with a vampire hunt rather than the Prague alchemists, Sion Eltnam Atlasia volunteered her services. Sion and Riesbyfe Stridberg took part in the assignment to demolish the vampire. Both organizations confronted the long night ahead, one of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors, a phenomenon known as TATARI. As they only had normal Conceptual Weapons, they were unable to affect the phenomenon no matter how many times they defeated its materializations. Three days later, the mission was unsuccessful and TATARI annihilated the village and slaughtered everybody including the dispatched Knights of the Church. Riesbyfe sacrificed herself to save Sion and faced Wallachia alone so that Sion could escape. This vampire had taken the form of Zepia Eltnam Oberon, as the conditions for his appearance were met. Sion, alive but bitten, would look for survivors in the wreckage, finding a boy in a secluded cemetery used by the cult for their experiments. He had forgotten his name and so she'd name him Anshan and have the arrangements made to leave him in the care of the Church. She, herself however, never returned to the Mage's Association from that day on and is presently wanted by both the Church and Mage's Association. A constant thirst for blood haunting her and setting her on a search for a cure before she becomes a vampire.For the boy, the experiments would cause his growth to be rapid over the next few years, both mentally and physically aging to be at least in his late twenties before any form of degradation of his cells would stop. Trained in the ways of the executioners, he'd go on to don the mantle of the Eight Member of Burial Agency.In one of his assignments, on a fated day, he'd meet Miyo again. On a train that had halt, now going by the name of Michaelangelo. She would not recognize him, but the spark would remain. Their series of misadventures would begin. His regrets of not being able to save her from her father's experiments and preventing her life of mercenary being suppressed with a cold smile.

Lamyros are the Phantasmal Species version of a Vampire whose name is derived from the Mediterranean term for Lamia (ラミア, Ramia?). They are more similar to the stereotypical fictional depiction of a Vampire and are quite different from Dead Apostles and True Ancestors. Their beings or spiritual cores originate from myths, legends and beliefs rather than using Magecraft, drinking blood from an True Ancestor, being turned by an Dead Apostle or given life from the planet as nature spirits.
Phantasmal species differ from Daemons, as they are active creatures rather than passive existences. Similarly to how magi gain power through the accumulation of knowledge, those of the Phantasmal Species become stronger through the accumulation of time. Modern Magecraft is the sum of five hundred years of study, whereas the Phantasmal Species date back to the Age of Gods. Magi that only have a mystical lineage that spans five hundred years cannot hope to match or reproduce mysteries that have accumulated thousands of years and have an existence that is on par with the five modern Magics. They embody mysteries simply by existing and it is said to be a miracle if one is simply observed.
Despite being artificial, Anshan's humanity is as good as gone even if his human intelligence remains. His speed, strength and regenerative capabilities are that of a phantasmal species. His healing factor makes him nigh immortal, able to heal even the most fatal wound.He is able to cast spells and drink blood to replenish his energy. He is also able to consume the saint graph of servants. The more he consumes, the stronger he would get. His abilities are improved to the point of fighting a Servant with an average Noble Phantasm eventually. While even then he would be unable to fight most servants in any form of offensive manner, if by chance, he is ever able to consume the entire list of summons by Chaldea(lol), he could possibly be capable of taking down stronger servants.Mystic Eyes of Future Perception
The experiments performed on him would come with several side effects, some boon and some a curse. This however would be both. Anshan possesses precognition in his right eye and the ability to achieve the future in his left eye. Able to foresee the future like watching a film, his right eye is able to see something like the ideal score on a test five minutes later, a day later, or even a month later. The left eye views the present and projects the methods by which the viewed result can be actualized like the method of achieving that ideal score. Like having a test’s answer sheet filled in before him, all the necessary measures for fulfilling the future are instantly projected in his left eye upon viewing it. If he acts according to the image, the film playing in his right eye becomes the unchangeable future. He doesn't view it as the future, but rather the "obvious result" created from the accumulation of the present, causing a variety of emotional issues for him.
While reality cannot be determined by formulas because it is a fluctuating value unable to be determined until the answer is obtained, he is able to fix the value beforehand to make the answer unshakable. Weighing together the variables called reality, he actualizes the "successful future" at the cost of his own free will. Ignoring "wishful observations" like his own interests and emotions, he views himself as a slave for the purpose of bringing about the determined future. When given a job like destroying a floor of a hotel with no casualties, he wishes for the result, sees the hotel wrapped around by black smoke, and simply acts on the vision. He can even see variables like the resulting casualties and property damage. While the method by which the future is achieved may slightly differ, such as someone taking a different path or people arriving slightly later, the overall scenario will play out according to his wishes.One main difference from predicting the future is that he must be actively watching the location of the future in order to bring it to absolute completion. He cannot be an indirect third party if he is to weigh all the variables together. Even if he can measure the factors of reality and understand the result, he has to see "that instant" himself because it is the future seen with his own view.The ability, calculation of the future, differs from and exceeds prediction of the future. The future is normally uncertain and unable to be reached out to because it is not there, and prediction only allows for seeing a possibility of a future that may eventually occur. Calculation is an abnormal ability able to determine an outcome through his own will which will definitely occur. His eyes, with his holy scripture make Anshan a formidable opponent to face.

Black Keys (黒鍵, Kokken?) are a sacrament of the Church, one of their many charms used against demons and vampires. They take the form of long and slender rapier-like swords with blades measuring over one meter and extremely short hilts, looking more likely to be used to thrust than slash at the opponent. Weighing one kilo, they are too thick and oddly-balanced, feeling heavier towards the tip, to use as melee weapons in general, and they seem more like dirks made into swords or arrows even to someone who does not know of their true nature. With low effectiveness as swords despite their appearance, and their great length, their true usage is exclusively as throwing weapons likened to bullets rather than for swordplay. Despite being a basic weapon of the Church, they are mostly considered to be a symbolic weapon for Executors that not many favor due to the difficulty in learning how to handle them and their weak attack power. Being half-spiritual, they can naturally pierce even iron.

Sharur(named by yours truly)— it is said to be one of the more powerful weapons of the Catholic Church, an apocrypha that shouldn't be removed from its place. It is a Conceptual Weapon, a sword to be specific, Anshan is authorized to carry, created thousands of years ago. Created by felling a hippogriff, a beast said to be a cross between an eagle and a horse, they used its claws as a key, inscribing it with tight criticism against hippogriffs that boiled down to, "It shouldn't exist, blasphemy!" Crossing it with a creature that shouldn't exist, as it is impossible for a griffin to mate with a horse, it was made to prevent degradation. It uses the true power of the Hippogriff, taking advantage of its "impossible existence" nature and amplify it, allowing it to perform short bursts of dimensional shift continually and only for an instant. It enables Anshan to change the "space something occupies" with "space something else occupies," allowing for things and their positions to be changed in an instant to confuse enemies. He is capable of displacing a portion of space to place hostile projectiles behind the enemy, allow for his own projectiles or even the sword to change trajectory by shifting space, allow for him to have his limbs appear anywhere, and make his enemy's own sword swings hit them from behind. As long as he is holding the holy scripture, he is able to distort any space around him. However, distorting one place for too long gradually becomes less effective as the world starts to reject the distortion and revert it to its original state.

Pet Lion(?)During one of his assignments, he saved a pure white Lion, who proceeded to never leave his side— at first begrudgingly, but now lovingly, he takes care of it and is often scolded by the law officers for walking around with a lion and scaring the public.

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